4.1.0 update wont install

I try to install the update I wait a long time…

Stays on installing I refresh and it says update available install.

Like I never tried to install it?

Do i have to update any dependencies any documentation for me to get stuck into?

Sorry that your update is stuck, I’d start by just trying to restart the umbrel (settings->restart).

If it still seems frozen after that and you can ssh in, run this command
rm -f ~/umbrel/statuses/update-in-progress && sudo reboot

(from Umbrel Troubleshooting Guide)

I have similar problem. I try to install a fresh 4.10 from the sd card, downloaded from github. But setup stuck on the secret words page, both new or recover words.
Force restarting does not fix anything.

Same problem. What should we do? Install 4.9?

I gave up after some reinstalls of 4.9. It was geting corrupted SSD near 100% sync.
Feeling Umbrel is to be abandoned.

Hey @LoboGuara and @vmo, sorry about the update issue, it’s likely that the system is stuck in the update loop, which won’t get solved by a reflash.

If you can ssh in, you can run this command to disable the update and reboot:
rm -f ~/umbrel/statuses/update-in-progress && sudo reboot

alternatively you can just do it in one command:
ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local “rm -f ~/umbrel/statuses/update-in-progress && sudo reboot”

Thanks, but I did a new install. And I tryed reboot, restart, this
remedy won’t work.

Your command doesn’t help =(

Did the command I shared above fail as well? New installations and rebooting doesn’t stop the system from a bad update issue, you have to manually delete a file from the external drive.

Hi guys! Sorry about that!

Can you clarify your issue @LoboGuara @vmo? It is the same as @MacHarfie’s?

For @MacHarfie:
If you still face the issue after a restart, it would be useful if you could get the update logs so we can check what went wrong. You can do so by trying to start the update from the dashboard, then once it fails (after the dashboard refresh), execute the following command in a Terminal and send the output:

ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local "tail -n100 ~/umbrel/logs/karen.log"

Depending on the output, I’ll then send you either a fix or a command in order to update manually.

For @LoboGuara @vmo:
Afaiu, you’re stuck on the seed view of the setup process? If it a new setup, or just an upgrade? If it is an update, what steps did you follow?

It would be useful to get the logs: How to Generate Debugging Logs


Off topic but I was wondering what application/framework is Karen? Haven’t see it before…

I did new install from file of github. Stuck on the words recovery setup page.
Here some logs: https://pastebin.com/7AkQmP72
SSD lights and ethernet are blinking as usual.

@vmo, I had to return to v 4.4 to can get Umbrel working. Still a reboot was needed.
Next I updated on-line to v 4.10. So far seems good. Now have to wait 2 days to sync blockchain.

I have following output:

$ ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local "tail -n100 ~/umbrel/logs/karen.log"
umbrel@umbrel.local's password: 
karen is running in /home/umbrel/umbrel/events
Got signal: 
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
Got signal: 
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
Got signal: backup
karen is getting triggered!
Deriving keys...
cat: /home/umbrel/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed: No such file or directory
Missing derivation parameter, this is unsafe, exiting.

Trying to get debug logs and have that:

$ ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local “~/umbrel/scripts/debug”
umbrel@umbrel.local's password: 
bash: “~/umbrel/scripts/debug”: No such file or directory
Connection to umbrel.local closed.

Finally get it with other command.

umbrel@umbrel:~/umbrel $ ~/umbrel/scripts/debug --upload
= Umbrel debug info =

Umbrel version

Flashed OS version

Raspberry Pi Model
Revision	: d03114
Serial		: 1000000088a27983
Model		: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4

Dec  1 2021 15:01:54 
Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
version 71bd3109023a0c8575585ba87cbb374d2eeb038f (clean) (release) (start)



Memory usage
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           7.8G        699M        5.7G        9.0M        1.5G        7.0G
Swap:          4.1G          0B        4.1G

bitcoin: 12.3%
total: 9.0%
lnd: 1.5%
tor: 0.3%
electrs: 0.1%
system: 0%

Memory monitor logs
2021-12-13 20:55:32 Memory monitor running!
2021-12-14 01:26:54 Memory monitor running!
2021-12-14 03:48:44 Memory monitor running!
2021-12-14 16:20:21 Memory monitor running!

Filesystem information
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        59G  3.2G   53G   6% /
/dev/sda1       916G   35G  836G   4% /home/umbrel/umbrel

Startup service logs
Dec 14 16:20:21 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: ============= STARTING ===============
Dec 14 16:20:21 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: ============== UMBREL ================
Dec 14 16:20:21 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: ======================================
Dec 14 16:20:21 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: Setting environment variables...
Dec 14 16:20:21 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: Starting karen...
Dec 14 16:20:21 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: Starting status monitors...
Dec 14 16:20:21 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: Starting memory monitor...
Dec 14 16:20:21 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: Starting backup monitor...
Dec 14 16:20:21 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: Starting decoy backup trigger...
Dec 14 16:20:21 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: Starting Docker services...
Dec 14 16:20:25 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: umbrel_app_2_tor_1 is up-to-date
Dec 14 16:20:25 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: umbrel_app_tor_1 is up-to-date
Dec 14 16:20:25 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: umbrel_app_3_tor_1 is up-to-date
Dec 14 16:20:25 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: dashboard is up-to-date
Dec 14 16:20:25 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: tor is up-to-date
Dec 14 16:20:25 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: electrs is up-to-date
Dec 14 16:20:25 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: manager is up-to-date
Dec 14 16:20:26 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: lnd is up-to-date
Dec 14 16:20:26 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: nginx is up-to-date
Dec 14 16:20:26 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: bitcoin is up-to-date
Dec 14 16:20:26 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: neutrino-switcher is up-to-date
Dec 14 16:20:26 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: middleware is up-to-date
Dec 14 16:20:26 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: Removing status server iptables entry...
Dec 14 16:20:26 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: Removed existing iptables entry.
Dec 14 16:20:26 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: Starting installed apps...
Dec 14 16:20:26 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]: Umbrel is now accessible at
Dec 14 16:20:26 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]:   http://umbrel.local
Dec 14 16:20:26 umbrel umbrel startup[2934]:
Dec 14 16:20:26 umbrel systemd[1]: Started Umbrel Startup Service.

External storage service logs
-- Logs begin at Tue 2021-12-14 16:17:01 UTC, end at Tue 2021-12-14 17:41:08 UTC. --
Dec 14 16:19:57 umbrel systemd[1]: Starting External Storage Mounter...
Dec 14 16:19:58 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Running external storage mount script...
Dec 14 16:19:58 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Found device "CT1000MX 500SSD1"
Dec 14 16:19:58 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Blacklisting USB device IDs against UAS driver...
Dec 14 16:19:58 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Rebinding USB drivers...
Dec 14 16:19:58 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Checking USB devices are back...
Dec 14 16:19:58 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Waiting for USB devices...
Dec 14 16:19:59 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Waiting for USB devices...
Dec 14 16:20:00 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Checking if the device is ext4...
Dec 14 16:20:00 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Yes, it is ext4
Dec 14 16:20:01 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Checking if device contains an Umbrel install...
Dec 14 16:20:01 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Yes, it contains an Umbrel install
Dec 14 16:20:01 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Bind mounting external storage over local Umbrel installation...
Dec 14 16:20:01 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Bind mounting external storage over local Docker data dir...
Dec 14 16:20:01 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Bind mounting external storage to /swap
Dec 14 16:20:01 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Bind mounting SD card root at /sd-card...
Dec 14 16:20:01 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Checking Umbrel root is now on external storage...
Dec 14 16:20:02 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Checking /var/lib/docker is now on external storage...
Dec 14 16:20:02 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Checking /swap is now on external storage...
Dec 14 16:20:02 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Setting up swapfile
Dec 14 16:20:02 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 4 GiB (4294963200 bytes)
Dec 14 16:20:02 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: no label, UUID=975d96ff-4e37-4139-b7fd-a898a30303e2
Dec 14 16:20:02 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Checking SD Card root is bind mounted at /sd-root...
Dec 14 16:20:02 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Starting external drive mount monitor...
Dec 14 16:20:02 umbrel external storage mounter[487]: Mount script completed successfully!
Dec 14 16:20:02 umbrel systemd[1]: Started External Storage Mounter.

External storage SD card update service logs
-- Logs begin at Tue 2021-12-14 16:17:01 UTC, end at Tue 2021-12-14 17:41:08 UTC. --
Dec 14 16:20:20 umbrel systemd[1]: Starting External Storage SDcard Updater...
Dec 14 16:20:20 umbrel external storage updater[2843]: Checking if SD card Umbrel is newer than external storage...
Dec 14 16:20:21 umbrel external storage updater[2843]: No, SD version is not newer, exiting.
Dec 14 16:20:21 umbrel systemd[1]: Started External Storage SDcard Updater.

Karen logs

karen is running in /home/umbrel/umbrel/events
Got signal: 
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
Got signal: 
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
Got signal: backup
karen is getting triggered!
Deriving keys...
cat: /home/umbrel/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed: No such file or directory
Missing derivation parameter, this is unsafe, exiting.
karen is running in /home/umbrel/umbrel/events
karen is running in /home/umbrel/umbrel/events
Got signal: 
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
Got signal: 
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
Got signal: backup
karen is getting triggered!
Deriving keys...
cat: /home/umbrel/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed: No such file or directory
Missing derivation parameter, this is unsafe, exiting.
Got signal: backup
karen is getting triggered!
Deriving keys...
cat: /home/umbrel/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed: No such file or directory
Missing derivation parameter, this is unsafe, exiting.
Got signal: backup
karen is getting triggered!
Deriving keys...
cat: /home/umbrel/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed: No such file or directory
Missing derivation parameter, this is unsafe, exiting.
Got signal: backup
karen is getting triggered!
Deriving keys...
cat: /home/umbrel/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed: No such file or directory
Missing derivation parameter, this is unsafe, exiting.
karen is running in /home/umbrel/umbrel/events

Docker containers
NAMES                STATUS
neutrino-switcher    Up About an hour
middleware           Up About an hour
bitcoin              Up About an hour
nginx                Up About an hour
lnd                  Up About an hour
manager              Up About an hour
umbrel_app_3_tor_1   Up About an hour
electrs              Up About an hour
umbrel_app_tor_1     Up About an hour
dashboard            Up About an hour
tor                  Up About an hour
umbrel_app_2_tor_1   Up About an hour

Umbrel logs

Attaching to middleware, manager
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware           | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
manager              | ::ffff: - - [Tue, 14 Dec 2021 03:49:58 GMT] "GET /ping HTTP/1.0" 304 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.93 Safari/537.36"
manager              | 
manager              | umbrel-manager
manager              | ::ffff: - - [Tue, 14 Dec 2021 03:49:59 GMT] "GET /v1/account/registered HTTP/1.0" 304 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.93 Safari/537.36"
manager              | 
manager              | umbrel-manager
manager              | Invalid seed length
manager              | /v1/account/register
manager              | Error: Invalid seed length
manager              |     at /app/routes/v1/account.js:76:15
manager              |     at /app/utils/safeHandler.js:8:20
manager              |     at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
manager              |     at next (/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:137:13)
manager              |     at /app/middlewares/auth.js:179:14
manager              |     at /app/node_modules/passport/lib/http/request.js:52:7
manager              |     at /app/node_modules/passport/lib/sessionmanager.js:26:5
manager              |     at pass (/app/node_modules/passport/lib/authenticator.js:277:43)
manager              |     at serialized (/app/node_modules/passport/lib/authenticator.js:286:7)
manager              |     at /app/middlewares/auth.js:47:10
manager              | ::ffff: - admin [Tue, 14 Dec 2021 03:50:18 GMT] "POST /v1/account/register HTTP/1.0" 500 21 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.93 Safari/537.36"
manager              | 
manager              | umbrel-manager
manager              | yarn run v1.22.15
manager              | $ node ./bin/www
manager              | Tue, 14 Dec 2021 17:33:52 GMT morgan deprecated morgan(options): use morgan("default", options) instead at app.js:40:9
manager              | Tue, 14 Dec 2021 17:33:52 GMT morgan deprecated default format: use combined format at app.js:40:9
manager              | Listening on port 3006
manager              | ::ffff: - - [Tue, 14 Dec 2021 17:33:54 GMT] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 35 "-" "axios/0.19.2"
manager              | 
manager              | umbrel-manager

Bitcoin Core logs

Attaching to bitcoin
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:39:58Z New outbound peer connected: version: 70016, blocks=714148, peer=8 (outbound-full-relay)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:39:59Z New outbound peer connected: version: 70016, blocks=714148, peer=9 (outbound-full-relay)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:39:59Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000001f82a5624650de1f65036a11b0cedd935a16187e9e3e2a7e height=316552 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.271270 tx=44930959 date='2014-08-20T01:15:48Z' progress=0.065348 cache=31.7MiB(242383txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:00Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000097b61749fbb9de0fa48e4b0f043f5237f4a545331950864 height=316553 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.271371 tx=44931704 date='2014-08-20T01:33:51Z' progress=0.065349 cache=31.9MiB(243420txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:00Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000147660f4214402e5befa83f803b564b32b41b90ce70a813c height=316554 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.271472 tx=44931906 date='2014-08-20T01:36:55Z' progress=0.065349 cache=31.9MiB(243651txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:06Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000002c735b61e5f33b49e82bd8de1867f14a002d9bc99ef976d4 height=316555 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.271574 tx=44932706 date='2014-08-20T01:55:43Z' progress=0.065351 cache=32.0MiB(244503txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:06Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000af05cfe87af7b655e223f373af147c773d1c3ad8ebf925c height=316556 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.271675 tx=44932984 date='2014-08-20T02:04:45Z' progress=0.065351 cache=32.1MiB(245064txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:06Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000029ad7f869c9ecc52af1ed40e604b52c2673ce344c55767c height=316557 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.271776 tx=44933467 date='2014-08-20T02:18:41Z' progress=0.065352 cache=32.1MiB(245629txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:15Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000271755e43289b51964fe8cd0d11f8c4c521cb3b2c41304b3 height=316558 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.271877 tx=44933969 date='2014-08-20T02:28:12Z' progress=0.065352 cache=32.2MiB(246519txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:22Z New outbound peer connected: version: 70016, blocks=714148, peer=10 (outbound-full-relay)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:24Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000012bfb758250ded111227ca74aeb32f7bff2d777b97126c8b height=316559 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.271979 tx=44934335 date='2014-08-20T02:38:09Z' progress=0.065353 cache=32.3MiB(247282txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:30Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000123743a740194bfc4b923f2c729c2da7513411b64af8926f height=316560 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.272080 tx=44934560 date='2014-08-20T02:43:14Z' progress=0.065353 cache=32.4MiB(247468txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:46Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000001ef0ea0efba1babd7def595470817764a226c4291e977473 height=316561 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.272181 tx=44935127 date='2014-08-20T02:55:55Z' progress=0.065354 cache=33.2MiB(254189txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:55Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000027968478abc6ae0041dee48c363173e0137bc6cec04ae7e5 height=316562 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.272282 tx=44936023 date='2014-08-20T03:22:19Z' progress=0.065355 cache=33.3MiB(255445txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:57Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000021ed96256e772301102e6d4f5019fdfe317b035fc9a56354 height=316563 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.272383 tx=44936321 date='2014-08-20T03:27:12Z' progress=0.065356 cache=33.4MiB(255971txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:58Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000f0fda048b9e1b12b81db4a1b85e54af7eb0d009d4274d71 height=316564 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.272485 tx=44936345 date='2014-08-20T03:28:13Z' progress=0.065356 cache=33.4MiB(256009txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:58Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000148a9c294b6bbb9c7a714f62743d8afe0e59ec8df3928bcd height=316565 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.272586 tx=44936463 date='2014-08-20T03:30:58Z' progress=0.065356 cache=33.4MiB(256167txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:58Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000001c4584d42a343baafce35fbd8902d07295e9586b279ba2ef height=316566 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.272687 tx=44936975 date='2014-08-20T03:54:34Z' progress=0.065357 cache=35.5MiB(256804txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:58Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000001199385cc85740942e614e6d0a5db1d55d2b7a7c20b99bb6 height=316567 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.272788 tx=44937487 date='2014-08-20T04:20:27Z' progress=0.065358 cache=35.6MiB(257411txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:58Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000000cfdd2dc82b7f83c4b66927b9d29e3758a4026377cc226b height=316568 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.272889 tx=44938475 date='2014-08-20T04:26:30Z' progress=0.065359 cache=35.8MiB(259096txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:58Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000010e85a97c8fcde974de4c9621cfbd8124f67a0d9f6a91234 height=316569 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.272990 tx=44938534 date='2014-08-20T04:28:54Z' progress=0.065359 cache=35.8MiB(259158txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:58Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000002b6f4ed4a71e3dd31c2e9005f3d11d80eebe067f1ba7cc92 height=316570 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.273092 tx=44939299 date='2014-08-20T04:50:48Z' progress=0.065360 cache=35.9MiB(260124txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:58Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000005bc8a0c0cae1a5ec8054615c2af27596cae9b2f6b6ac24c height=316571 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.273193 tx=44940232 date='2014-08-20T05:21:35Z' progress=0.065362 cache=36.1MiB(261176txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:58Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000002871f2e4366c02acd79e368c384f27ecda8251d70437f6cd height=316572 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.273294 tx=44941619 date='2014-08-20T05:52:00Z' progress=0.065364 cache=36.3MiB(263341txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:40:58Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000098ea8775628512eb66f88ca41bc13f64b26e92eac6f6319 height=316573 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.273395 tx=44941884 date='2014-08-20T05:55:04Z' progress=0.065364 cache=36.5MiB(264968txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:41:00Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000001f14e0c24acda720cec365c1d28651a8ca53dbb10cdbe035 height=316574 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.273496 tx=44942183 date='2014-08-20T06:02:33Z' progress=0.065364 cache=36.5MiB(265052txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:41:02Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000001ac8a2424325f382ad8fd0d1f3967fd3c2f9be89f492005 height=316575 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.273597 tx=44942256 date='2014-08-20T06:03:47Z' progress=0.065365 cache=36.5MiB(264895txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:41:06Z New outbound peer connected: version: 70016, blocks=714148, peer=11 (outbound-full-relay)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:41:09Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000be9314f16abdb0d7459f5dd6396967a769113a98e43f43b height=316576 version=0x00000002 log2_work=80.273698 tx=44942679 date='2014-08-20T06:14:54Z' progress=0.065365 cache=36.5MiB(265044txo)
bitcoin              | 2021-12-14T17:41:10Z New outbound peer connected: version: 70015, blocks=714148, peer=12 (outbound-full-relay)

LND logs

Attaching to lnd
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:24.089 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:24.158 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:24.177 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.WalletUnlocker/UnlockWallet]: wallet not found
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:34.220 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:34.304 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:34.328 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.WalletUnlocker/UnlockWallet]: wallet not found
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:37.227 [WRN] BTCN: Banning peer duration=48h0m0s, reason=peer was unable to serve compact filters
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:37.231 [INF] BTCN: Lost peer (outbound)
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:44.364 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:44.441 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:44.460 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.WalletUnlocker/UnlockWallet]: wallet not found
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:49.848 [WRN] BTCN: Banning peer duration=48h0m0s, reason=peer was unable to serve compact filters
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:49.855 [INF] BTCN: Lost peer (outbound)
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:52.477 [WRN] BTCN: Banning peer duration=48h0m0s, reason=peer was unable to serve compact filters
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:52.483 [INF] BTCN: Lost peer (outbound)
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:54.480 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:54.486 [WRN] BTCN: Banning peer duration=48h0m0s, reason=peer was unable to serve compact filters
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:54.490 [INF] BTCN: Lost peer (outbound)
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:54.549 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:54.568 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.WalletUnlocker/UnlockWallet]: wallet not found
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:57.445 [WRN] BTCN: Banning peer duration=48h0m0s, reason=peer was unable to serve compact filters
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:40:57.449 [INF] BTCN: Lost peer (outbound)
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:41:04.590 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:41:04.650 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:41:04.668 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.WalletUnlocker/UnlockWallet]: wallet not found
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:41:13.440 [WRN] BTCN: Banning peer duration=48h0m0s, reason=peer was unable to serve compact filters
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:41:13.445 [INF] BTCN: Lost peer (outbound)
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:41:14.692 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:41:14.804 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-12-14 17:41:14.824 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.WalletUnlocker/UnlockWallet]: wallet not found

electrs logs

Attaching to electrs
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:47.424Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397587 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:48.428Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397587 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:49.434Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397587 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:50.437Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397587 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:51.441Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397587 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:52.444Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397587 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:53.447Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397587 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:54.450Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397587 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:55.453Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397586 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:56.456Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397586 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:57.460Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397585 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:58.535Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397577 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:40:59.538Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397575 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:00.544Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397574 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:01.560Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397574 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:02.566Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397573 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:03.569Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397573 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:04.572Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397573 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:05.575Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397573 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:06.578Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397573 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:07.581Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397573 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:08.585Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397573 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:09.588Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397573 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:10.591Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397572 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:11.595Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397572 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:12.598Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397572 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:13.601Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397572 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:14.605Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397572 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:15.608Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397572 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs              | [2021-12-14T17:41:16.634Z INFO  electrs::daemon] waiting for 397571 blocks to download (IBD)

==== Result ====
The debug script did not automatically detect any issues with your Umbrel.

Hi All,

This may not apply to a lot of you but here is how I fixed mine.

Mine is installed on Ubuntu.

I installed system/software/dependency/dockerupdates.

Rebooted, started up Umbrel, waited for sync, run the install.

Gave me progress bar new containers remove old containers etc, success!

However your node is built I think everybody should start with doing all the updates restarting the node (Power off) and then restarting Umbrel.

Some of you will be able to remote to os like me others may need to use SSH I never really use.


Looks like there is an error with your seed. Have you double checked it? No typo, etc?

It is a home made script to watch for file triggers and execute scripts on the host

Hey MacHarfie,

Thanks for your patience, we did find an issue with the 4.10 release that’s affecting some new users. Please try formatting your drive and reflashing to the 4.9 version of Umbrel available here:

Sorry again for the issues, let us know if this works.

I would sugest for you to install version 4.7, because in that version you can do restarts and shutdowns safely, i find in my tests. In version 4.9 you chance screw files if the system stops or you need stop it.
Thats seem to be a problem with Umbrel, versions are released without minimal tests, I know that can take days to find problems.
Why not release test versions so we can test in a second machine and not loose the working system?