Apps stuck on "Starting..."

I have the exact same issue. I did a full reinstallation and sync and still the same issue. Also tried this;

You have error that a specific Umbrel App do not start or it keeps staying in “installing”, maybe the docker container for that app it wasn’t installed correctly or it hangs.

Step 1 - Enter using SSH into your Umbrel node:

Step 2 - stop Umbrel node with:

cd umbrel

sudo ./scripts/stop

Step 3 - clean / reconfigure the broken container:

sudo rm .env && sudo ./scripts/configure

Step 4 - apply latest Umbrel update (replace the version number with the latest):

sudo ./scripts/update/update --repo getumbrel/umbrel#v0.4.4

Restart your node:

sudo ./scripts/start

But no luck. This is the source Umbrel Troubleshooting Guide