BitBox - Specter Desktop - Multi Sig

Running Specter-Desktop locally and connect to BitcoinCore on your node via Tor is indeed by far the easiest method, especially now that Specter-Desktop has Tor-client built-in (i.e. one-button install through Specter).

However, I was curious to the HWI-bridge option as well and it is actually pretty easy to setup. Here are the steps (I’m on MacOS so perhaps some of the details differ for other OS’es):

When I mention ‘local Specter’ I mean Specter running on your laptop/desktop, not the Specter app running on your node, the latter acting as remote Specter

  1. Connect your local Specter to Specter running on Umbrel, by doing the following in your local Specter:

Preferences > select Yes, I run Specter remotely > in the URL field enter http://umbrel.local:25441/.

Restart specter on your local and afterwards you should see that it is connected to Bitcoin Core (through specter on your Umbrel node).

  1. On your local specter go to

settings > usb-devices and select Custom URL. In the field, enter http://localhost:25441/hwi/api/

  1. Access your device bridge settings (the link is mentioned on the usb-devices page of step 3) and assure that it contains the following domains:

  1. Click on ‘Test connection’, plugin your hw-device and Specter should be able to detect your device.

FYI the above assumes connecting your hw-device to your local machine/laptop. As @lukechilds mentions, at this moment there is no way that specter running in Umbrel is able to detect usb-devices which are plugged directly in to your node. I guess technically it could be possible by passing either the --device or --device-cgroup-rule flag in the docker config for Specter, but you would need to know the device id upfront and pass it to these flags.