Bitcoin stuck after increased disk space

Recently increased the size of the hard drive (partition). I got close to the capacity, I believe without actually reaching the limit. I’ve now unlocked an additional 60GB.

However the Bitcoin app on Umbrel does not seem to be running anymore and/or recognizing the increased capacity. I have tried running the following script for Umbrel apps…

sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/start
sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/app restart bitcoin

…and whilst I can get the Bitcoin app open, the app stays with the orange ‘Starting’ status & no block information whatsoever. How can I get it to re-query the new disk? I am not doing another initial block download.

Taken from the logs:

2023-04-04T09:32:37Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxetc height=783881 version=0x2fffe000 log2_work=94.099451 tx=820551484 date=‘2023-04-04T09:32:29Z’ progress=1.000000 cache=417.0MiB(2680196txo)
2023-04-04T09:32:37Z BlockUntilSyncedToCurrentChain: txindex is catching up on block notifications
2023-04-04T09:35:22Z *** Disk space is too low!
2023-04-04T09:35:22Z Error: Disk space is too low!
2023-04-04T09:35:22Z opencon thread exit
2023-04-04T09:35:22Z addcon thread exit
2023-04-04T09:35:22Z Shutdown: In progress…
2023-04-04T09:35:22Z net thread exit
2023-04-04T09:35:22Z msghand thread exit
2023-04-04T09:35:52Z DumpAnchors: Flush 2 outbound block-relay-only peer addresses to anchors.dat started
2023-04-04T09:35:52Z DumpAnchors: Flush 2 outbound block-relay-only peer addresses to anchors.dat completed (0.01s)
2023-04-04T09:35:52Z scheduler thread exit
2023-04-04T09:35:52Z Failed to dump mempool: AutoFile::write: write failed: iostream error. Continuing anyway.
2023-04-04T09:35:52Z *** Disk space is too low!
2023-04-04T09:35:52Z Error: Disk space is too low!
2023-04-04T09:35:52Z ForceFlushStateToDisk: failed to flush state (Disk space is too low!)
2023-04-04T09:35:52Z *** Disk space is too low!
2023-04-04T09:35:52Z Error: Disk space is too low!
2023-04-04T09:35:52Z ForceFlushStateToDisk: failed to flush state (Disk space is too low!)
2023-04-04T09:35:53Z [default wallet] Releasing wallet
2023-04-04T09:35:53Z [jam_default] Releasing wallet
2023-04-04T09:35:53Z Shutdown: done

Best way to resolve was:

  1. Kill Bitcoin app - sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/app stop bitcoin
  2. Move wallet.dat file and block/chainstate/index folders to another folder on machine
  3. Uninstall Bitcoin
  4. Reinstall Bitcoin
  5. Open Bitcoin app and wait until blocks downloading
  6. Kill Bitcoin app (see 1)
  7. Move back the old folders from 2
  8. Restart Bitcoin app & voila!
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