Cannot login with "Welcome Back"

I have set up Umbrel at home and then I bring the Umbrel to my office.
I can loate Umbrel with IP Scanner and type the IP address found on the scanner (because umbrel.local/ did not work)
The browser now shows “Welcome Back” and asks for the password. However, the “Login” buttun is just blinking and never guides me to the dashboard.

I don’t have a solution but a workaround. If you open Umbrel Login in a tor browser by entering umbrel tor address you can login again. The way to get there is:

  1. ssh into your umbrel node (if you don’t know how to do this, google it)
  2. enter cd ~/umbrel/tor/data/web , in that directory you will find a file named ‘hostname’
  3. enter nano hostname
  4. you can now see tor address of your node, copy it
  5. exit with ctrl-x
  6. enter/paste that onion address into a tor browser (if you dont have one get one from here:
  7. you should now see umbrel login page
  8. enter your password and you should be back in admin page
  9. let me know if it worked