Closing dead node

First of all, seems that you start running a node without reading and learning anything about how LN works or at least how a LN node have to be managed. That’s the biggest mistake all new users are doing.

We’ve posted a lot of guides, right here on this forum, in the Guides section, for you guys, to read them, BEFORE start playing around with funds. But seems that many do not have that patience to read. It would save you a lot of trouble if you read first.

A lot of links to documentation and tutorials were posted just to give you, as a new user, more info and knowledge about what are you going to do and learn more about LN. With even more video tutorials here.

A MUST start guide is also this one dedicated to new users: Getting started with Umbrel, where is explained step by step what should do a new Umbrel user.

A dedicated troubleshooting guide for Umbrel users to debug and diagnose issues they have BEFORE doing any stupid things.

A special guide about how to recover your funds from a dead node, in 8 ways, depending on each situation you are.

So, to recap what you did…(as far I can understand from your confusing post).

  1. you didn’t wait for the node to be 100% synced and also totally ready to open LN channels. WRONG
  2. you send from another LN wallet to your “lightning address”. WRONG. That is your nodeURI not an address where to send sats. Is not even possible to send sats to that address, your wallet will simply say is not a valid LN invoice. So this part seems to be fake or you are not saying all you did.
  3. So your OS crashed (ok, shit happen all the time), but you restored with the seed and you didn’t mentioned if you also used the channels.backup file. So again… WRONG, if you had someway funds in LN channels, without that backup, is impossible to recover your funds.
  4. What LN wallet on the phone you are talking about? If your node was dead, how that you still have shown funds in that wallet app? If the node is dead, you will not be able to see anything in any app on the phone (if was connected to your node).
  5. Who has your funds? You and only you can have them, but if you do not have the right wallet open, then you will never see them.

So please explain more, because the whole story doesn’t add up.