Count total number of bitcoin addresses


How can I check the total number of bitcoin addresses that have been generated so far on the Bitcoin network with Umbrel?


Sorry, my questions should be that
How can I check the total number of bitcoin addresses that have existed on the Bitcoin network?


Do you have the BTC Explorer App installed?
In the “Network Summary” box you can see the UTXOs number (click the right upper symbol in the box, if not showing). These are the used address count (~83.000.000).
It is not a big count, but remember that in the begining years the blockchain was rarely used, so only 1 address generated or used per block, and if today addesses not normally reused (to increase security), that was not rule in the early years.
The total number of address (used or not) is exactaly 2^256 - 2^32 - 2^9 - 2^8 - 2^7 -2^6 - 2^4 - 1 = ~ 1,15 x 10^77

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Thanks for your guide. I will check it then.
Regarding the total number of address, I understand that your number above refers to the total possible private/public key pair. While that of addresses is 2^160, or 1.46 x 10^48. This is because of double hash function - (hashes of the public keys).


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Yes, you are correct. Address is not public key. The addresses (~2^160) are much less than possible keys (~2^256).
This remembered me there´s a problem with the conversion of those coding systems, and the 160 bits system can regenerate some public key over the allowed to the 256 bits system, resulting in some bitcoin unspentable.
There´s also the unspentable count in BTC Explorer (in UTXO set) but you have to enable coin-stats index in bitcoin.conf for it to be shown (for information, there is ~214 BTC unspentable to date).