How to turn off Bluetooth and Wifi on Rasberry Pi4

  • Option a)

Power off your Umbrel under Settings > Shutdown, and remove the SD card.

Then, put the SD card into your computer, you should see it show up in your file manager with the name boot.

Open a file named config.txt, where you must add these lines at the end:

# Disable WiFi
# Disable Bluetooth

Save changes and put the SD back in the Raspberry Pi.

Finally, turn on the Raspberry Pi.


  • Option b)

Open config.txt to edit via SSH:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Enter this lines:

# Disable WiFi
# Disable Bluetooth

Save the file:

Ctrl+X, Y, return

Restart your Raspberry Pi:

sudo reboot


This is with Umbrel installed? :open_mouth:

The same password you use to log in to the Umbrel dashboard. If you haven’t yet run through the setup process, the password will be set to moneyprintergobrrr.

Yes, if you trust your local network.