Instructions to get an incoming channel from LNBIG with Umbrel

Appreciate it a lot @btc_ln . I opened a 500k one.
I’ll go for the LNBIG tomorrow.

Thanks in advance :raised_hands:

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I took these instructions from btc_ln and added in the screen shots. All credit to btc_ln - I simply added screen shots.

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Great job!

Good one. But you may have to change the screenshots since lnbig changed the UI and it looks all different.

Quick question. How does LNbig hold the 1st lightning payment until the peer is added? In real life, How long can I hold the payment like this? pretty neat idea by LNbig team.

It’s called an Hashed Timelock Contract (HTLC). The payment tied to the opening of the channel. It’s basically a small smart contract between you and LNBig. Pretty cool, huh?

yea. pretty cool. can you point me to the doc or an example to do this type of transaction?

Well, the entire Lightning Network runs on such contracts. Not sure how technical you want to go, but:

great. thanks for the pointer.

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How long does it typically take to open these channels. I put your channel in, and it has been over 30 minutes and still says opening. Also, shouldn’t this step be in the instructions. Or should this be implied. Sorry, asking for a friend, LOL

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I’m assuming you’re talking about the UX on https://LightningNetwork.Plus.

As soon as you submit the channel opening transaction click the purple button confirming this action. That will complete the channel open.

If you’re not referring to LN+, and you’re just opening a channel to me, the experience on Umbre is as follows:

  1. You open the channel with a certain fee.
  2. It’s pending till it gets the first confirmation on the blockchain, which could take some time if the fee is very low. You can follow what fees are being mined on
  3. Once it confirmed, you still need to wait yet another two blocks. Until then it’s still pending. LN channels need 3 confirmations.
  4. After the third confirmation the channel is open.
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Perfect instructions. Worked flawlessly for me. Thank you!

Hi I have also tried to follow these instructions. I have also tried to open a channel to you @btc_ln in order to pay the LNBig invoice (thank you). I am also experiencing “socket error” as per this issue

“Unable to connect to peer, socks connect tcp>ymtnh6qsev3emaerdkh5mhc7m7gxs22awef6c2bjzwm5kawauuk5sxid.onion:9735: unknown error host unreachable”

experienced by @TrIPINtU . I have reflashed and used 2 different SD cards to see if that resolves it, alas to no avail.

OK just an update. I have managed to open up another channel and successfully created an LNBig inbound channel. Instructions worked perfectly. Thank you.

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Don’t send me any money. I’m just providing the instructions, not the provider of the service! :slight_smile:

Glad to hear it worked out.

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I am stuck on #6. i see the QR code but it is not clear to me what App I am suppose to have open on my cell phone. I have Umbrel and my node on my desktop. I tried using my cell phone but my Tor Browser seems to hang. I am on an Android (version 10) Galaxy S9+ Also, I have funded the Bitcoin Wallet and looking for how to move funds to the Lightening Wallet. Thank you :slight_smile:

I followed this article and it saved me. :slight_smile: I now have channels.

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Awesome tutorial! Just tried it and worked like a charm!

i assumed i could open the channel with some liquidity on my side but it appears i have two channels with the node now. does that make sense?


Thanks for your great instruction. I just successfully opened an inbound channel with LNBIG.
One small catch is that the web page of LNBIG already showed the full node id that I used to paste into “Add Peers” in RTL. I didn’t need perform step 13 and 14, though the 2 steps produced the same result.
Also, when in RTL, it was not intuitive that I pasted the full node id of LNBIG and clicked on “Do it later” button, ignoring the sats field. Then, the web page of LNBIG showed a green mark.

One question is that I chose the channel type “private”. Should I change it to “public”?
