Introducing Umbrel 0.4 — A personal server OS for everyone

hi @mayank I’m struggling to get Nextcloud working over Tor. I haven’t changed any of the settings, figured it would work out of the box.

Second edit: solution here apparently…shouldn’t this be default?

I’m running on a RPi 4GB, stock Umbrel no changes. I saw your comment about waiting so waited overnight. That didn’t work, so I rebooted twice, still the same.

I see this warning screen about trusted_domains:

Thanks for what you do – I came to umbrel as a bitcoin node solution. You launched 0.4 and I was like “wtf”. When Apple announced its image scanning on device things started to click. “iUmbrel” is my attempt to replace iCloud services with my umbrel. I mean how hard can it be to replicate iCloud Notes as an example? (edit: wow found ownCloud CloudNotes, for $2 I can host my own notes. Ah, but not through Tor :frowning:

Sooooo excited about this Umbrel next step. For a long time privacy and cryptocurrency have been fairly independent topics for me. Umbrel brings them both together into the same spot. Interesting times ahead.)

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