Lost about 3m sats when closing a channel

First of all, you did not lose any sats. Your sats are still in your LN channels, until you make a payment with them.
Secondly, I see that you do not know the basics of how LN works.
I wrote several guides in the dedicated Guides section of this forum, specially for new users, to start reading and learning before doing any crazy shit with their node. There you can find a special post with all documentation, tutorials, videos etc about LN nodes.

Third: when you do a loop, you move the funds from one channel to another one. You answer yourself to your own question!
If you take out some sats from a channel and send them back but into another channel where you have more “space”, is not logic that your sats are not lost, are back to your node?

When you close the channel A (from which you loop out) is not normal that you will get less sats? You will get exactly what you left in that channel. You can’t get what is not yours… The sats are in your other channel B, where you did the loop in. If you close that one, then you will get more sats in your onchain wallet.

When you close a channel you are NOT “losing” sats… you only get what is yours.