Make Apps Not Require Login?

I’d like to expose LNVisualizer and Bitfeed (both Umbrel apps) to the public internet by pointing a subdomain at my Umbrel (i.e. bitfeed.domain.tld). I’m unable to do so right now because Umbrel redirects requests to those apps to a login screen if the session is not authenticated. Is there any way to bypass this? As neither of these apps expose sensitive information or administrative functions it’d be good to relax the security a little bit. Unless I’m thinking about this all wrong?

Edit to add a few points:

  1. Why do I want to do this? Vanity. That’s it :slight_smile:
  2. Just to give you a sense of how I’m approaching security in general, my home firewall has no ports open. I’m using a VPS to forward traffic down a wireguard tunnel to a device on my network running nginx proxy manager, where SSL termination is handled.

Thanks for wanting to host your own instance of the app.
I believe it is up to the app developers to configure whether or not the password is required and by default it is required but you can change it on your end I think.
According to this
You should be able to add


to the lnvisualizer docker-compose.yml file in your umbrel/app-data/ln-visualizer directory

changing the existing config file from

      APP_PORT: 80

    image: maxkotlan/ln-visualizer-web:v0.0.26@sha256:704dadfc6869c660c87010f9837a269786d6576788b1c1ea983e7d77b456a45b
    init: true


      APP_PORT: 80
      PROXY_AUTH_ADD: "false"

    image: maxkotlan/ln-visualizer-web:v0.0.26@sha256:704dadfc6869c660c87010f9837a269786d6576788b1c1ea983e7d77b456a45b
    init: true

You will need to restart your umbel or run
sudo ./umbrel/scripts/start
to reload the config.

You can follow the same process for bitfeed as well. Also if there are any app updates I believe you will need to repeat this process. Hopefully there will be a UI for user configurable app settings in the future.

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Thanks for this! I know you answered me some time ago, but since then I’ve been down a bit of a rabbit hole spinning up a core lightning node following the Raspibolt guide. Coming back to this, I realize that it relies on LND REST. Is there any way to adapt the docker-compose file to expect the files in .e.g. ~/lightningd/c-lightning-REST-v.../certs instead of /lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/ ? Or is that not supported?