Opening Channels Requests

I’m looking for some inbound liquidity


after you all open more than two channels (with decently connected nodes) you should be able to rebalance your channels using the ride the lightning or thunder hub app on umbrel. you may need to send some sats to another lightning wallet you control or an exchange account of yours that accepts lightning (river or bitfinex) in order to rebalance, but this will poise your node to begin to be seen for routes on the network - if that’s something you’re interested in.

Splendid. Thanks. I’ve reciprocated… :v:t2:

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Opened 500k to you. Feel free to connect back!


Hello, I need at least one more channel for some inbound liquidity. Thanks!



Finally my sync is completed to 100% - Looking for some Node Partners in crime :sunglasses:


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Hi all, looking to open channels to my new node!


Done, would be cool if you could connect as well!

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Thanks! I see that you opened a channel, but it appears that your node is offline.

hmm, that’s weird, looks like its online on my end

looks like it might be active now, I saw in ThunderHub it was inactive for some reason, looks ok now

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Ok… it’s pending, should be open soon.

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cool thanks

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Looks like we are all set up!

What liquidity are you using?

What do you mean? How many sats? 500k

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Hello everyone!

Switched from MyNode to Umbrel and loving it so far! Looking for some inbound liquidity, will try to balance all the channels and keep high uptime!


Thank you!


Welcome on board :open_umbrella: I opened a channel to you would be great to get some inbound liquidity as well


hi opened a channel, great if you could open one as well!

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Hi All.
Looking to open a liquidity triangle 3M sats. A->B B->C C->A
Need 2 others interested to open between now and Sunday with low fees likely to continue into the weekend!

Node A: MF88

Node B:

Node C: