Stuck backing up after failed OS update

Okay, that’s unfortunate. Let me summarize and then getting in touch with someone who has more experience on wallet recovery (pinging @DarthCoin here, headsup I may send Iowa your way via Telegram)


  • The update progress got stuck at the backup process
  • you did reflashes, lnd.conf reset, wallet unlocks via lncli but to no avail
  • recent debug log shows the following concerns

Deriving keys...
cat: /home/umbrel/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed: No such file or directory
Missing derivation parameter, this is unsafe, exiting.

lnd | 2022-01-14 06:32:51.776 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ChannelBalance]: wallet not created, create one to enable full RPC access

Next Steps

  1. Check whether your wallet.dat is actually there, has umbrel / umbrel as group / owner and rw (read/write) access: ls -la -h ~/umbrel/bitcoin/
  2. Check whether the seed file is there, karen is complaining about it. Don’t share it, just check for yourself: ls -la ~/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/ -h and then cat ~/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed
  3. If neither 1 or 2 not there, ensure you have your 24 seed words, your SCB (Static Channel Backup), and ideally your channel.db from here : ls -la ~/umbrel/lnd/data/graph/mainnet/ -h copied from your node into a safe place via SCP
  4. Pinging @DarthCoin here - or join Telegram, to advise which is the following options is the most safe but also most optimistic route to get your funds (no problem) and your channels (unsure) back to it’s state.

Afterall, you still have your channel.db, and your 24 words, I’m uncertain if you can just create a wallet on your existing node. That’s better to be checked with someone who already did it (not me).

Linking the Node Recovery thread as a reference. I’m thinking about Blixt (Option 3) or experimental (Option 6). Alternatively, trying to pester Umbrel Devs for help might work, but I am not sure.

Hope this helps :crossed_fingers:

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