Umbrel feature requests

Better indicator if wallet is connected to my node vs the default.

Hey Umbrel community,
Would it be possible to use additional security feature such as 2 factor authentication (2FA) in login page?
What do you guys think of this?



I was wondering this as well. BTCPay Server Docker has some nice features such as 2 factor authentication and also single sign-on (so you can access RTL and ThunderHub using the same login as Umbrel). Perhaps these features could be brought into Umbrel also?

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would be cool to have yubikey support

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Hey guys,
in the case of someone trying to guess my password or bruteforce my login page:would it by possible to have a little alert after a successful login with the

number of times (if any) a wrong password has been submitted since last login


What do you think of this?



some of this may be more wallet side, but it would be nice if the node was the central interface for all my various wallets where privilege’s can be set

allowance control for my child. Stream her Sats everyday for walking around money, but have the ability to deny payments ie create whitelist/blacklists.

Some kind of wallet watching service. I have quite a lot of bulk wallets from an experiment and would like to be able to check if one of them has had an transaction/balance. While there are already some tools for that out there, most have problems with the api service blocking the requests after some amount of wallets checked.

Install and use the Umbrel app LNbits. It has a nice extension for watch-only wallets

The problem with that is: I can’t import bulk wallets, pasting in the wallets one by one is not an option.

Ask/propose to devs to implement that option

Is there a way to check and see who is connected to my Umbrel node/electrum server?
Say I’m acting as the Uncle Jim for my family and friends, and I forget who all is connected, is there a way to go see a list and even label them (like “Dad’s BlueWallet”)? Also, would it be possible to selectively remove wallets?
Visibility, labeling, and control over who is able to use the node/electrum server would be great.

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CPU RAM and download speeds would be epic. Till then I’m using bashtop via ssh

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Automated reverse proxy for BTCPAY so we can host our own payment gateway. Tried to do it myself and failed quite miserably.

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Get notified when transaction fees are low (for users who have installed There is this:, but it needs an email address.

The alert could be a browser alert to begin with. There might be ways to support more advanced alerting. I can imagine there are other useful purposes for an umbrel node (or one of the apps) sending notifications. Maybe the starting point for an umbrel mobile phone app?

  • Identification of the Bitcoin Core version being run currently
  • Option to manually install different Bitcoin Core version (ie user controlled updates)
  • “News feed” of Bitcoin Core developments / new versions / etc.
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Help my old eyes dark mode, please

  • Watchtowers - Maybe an opt in Umbrel altruist watchtower group or just make it possible to set a private one up from the dashboard
  • Automated fees setting - Balance of satoshis, charge-lnd or other
  • From lightning dashboard have ability to keysend, able to set value to pay invoices that have null amounts, use LNURL

Simple way to change node alias.


2nd the automated fee settings (automated to be dynamic)

A mechanism that allows us to move a node from one device to another without closing down all channels and the need to re-download the entire blockchain.