Watchtower Tutorial

Is there a good tutorial on how to set up an umbrel watchtower? I am thinking about setting up a dedicated node at a separate location (stable connection + ups).

If you got some linux knowledge, try this:
Don’t forget to export port 9911 (Watchtower port) out of lnd’s docker container.

Thanks for the info. I am making progress but stuck on how to allow the 9911 port out of the and container. Do you have any good resources on how to do this with docker?

I may be wrong on portforwarding because Tor is managing this for you.

Got it set up but it does not look like my node is seeing the new watchtower. The watchtower has not fully sync’d yet but I’m not sure if that should matter. My gut feeling is that it may be a port forwarding issue but i guess I will need to wait for the sync to rule that out.

Here are the results I am seeing:

Umbrel Client Node Tower Results

umbrel@umbrel:~/umbrel/lnd/logs/bitcoin/mainnet $ docker exec -it lnd lncli wtclient towers
“towers”: [
“pubkey”: “[MyUmbrelWatchtowerPUBKEY]”,
“addresses”: [
“active_session_candidate”: false,
“num_sessions”: 0,
“sessions”: [

Umbrel Client Node Wtclient Stats

umbrel@umbrel:~/umbrel/lnd/logs/bitcoin/mainnet $ docker exec -it lnd lncli wtclient stats
“num_backups”: 0,
“num_pending_backups”: 0,
“num_failed_backups”: 0,
“num_sessions_acquired”: 0,
“num_sessions_exhausted”: 0