Configure script doesn't create the lnd.conf file

I have destroyed my lnd.conf file. I removed the destroyed one and tried to create a default one, so I executed:

sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/configure

The output was:

=========== RECONFIGURING ============
========= UMBREL (mainnet) ===========

Configuring permissions…

Configuration successful
You can now start Umbrel by running:
sudo ./scripts/start

But a new default lnd.conf file hasn’t been created.

What I’m doing wrong?

You can create the lnd.conf and edit it with this command:

sudo nano ~/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lnd/lnd.conf

This will allow you to edit and add new lines, then CTRL+X to exit, Y to save, and enter to proceed.

Let me know if this works or you have any other questions!

Thank you for your help.

You suggest to create an empty new lnd.conf. What I actually need is a default lnd.conf created by the script configure that already contains all the necessary configurations.

When I create a lnd.conf myself from a template configuration, also found in this forum, I don’t know what ip addresses and passwords I have to substitude.

Any other suggestions how to get a default system created lnd.conf file?