Help with lnd.conf

i tried to change lnd.conf in order of make an alias and change the color of the node but make a mistake and write in the last line of document instead of write below aplication options.

restarted the node and this not showed the balances and cant access to aplications.

then fixed and but the lines in the correct place but the node still stuck.

also try with scripts/stop & scripts/start but still dont working.

don’t do many changes and don’t destroy your node tinkering it.
If you want a fresh copy of that file (and next time edit it with caution), you could just delete or rename the old one and apply again the reflash the mSD card (just in case).
That will create a default lnd.conf file.
Be careful with the color or extra lines!
Color codes MUST be RGB, #1a2b3c a # followed by 6 characters, no more no less. Search a page that shows you a clear RGB color code.

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Finally solved adding alias line at start of Aplication options box instead of at the end, also deleted the line ad color.

Fortunately dont need reflash de SD, only reboot the node.

Thanks for all!

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