How to restart lnd after a config change

Hi folks,

What’s the preferred way of restarting lnd to apply a config change?
Does it have to be a full node restart or can we just restart the docker container?
What would be the command for that?

Thank you,

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For the Settings To Take Effect

For the settings to take effect, you will need to restart lnd. Do not restart entire node.
Restart lnd cd ~/umbrel ; docker-compose restart lnd; docker-compose ps
For non umbrel, the instructions could be different.

This would be: sudo systemctl restart lnd

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I tried using that code but I get an error message.

It is: cd ~/umbrel ; docker-compose restart lnd; docker-compose ps

Has it changed?

umbrel 0.5.1
lnd restart
/home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning restart lnd

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Here is a second way to restart:

  1. sudo /home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/stop
  2. sudo /home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/start

If you like to donate some sats to me:
my lightning wallet


Restart an Umbrel app containers:
~/umbrel/scripts/app restart app-name

Restart one Umbrel app service container only:
~/umbrel/scripts/app compose app-name restart service-name

List Umbrel installed apps:
~/umbrel/scripts/app ls-installed


I signed up to the forum just to like this comment.
Very Helpfull.

Thanks very much, this option worked perfectly for the container lnd running on Umbrel version 0.5.4
