What apps would you like to be added to the Umbrel App Store?

I would love to see an app to make and host my own decentralized website maybe with Wordpress because it is open source or anything else.

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Email server


BOINC would be awesome to join the world community grid and dedicate some computing power to scientific research (https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/ibm-world-community-grid/)


This is what I would love to as well. I donā€™t know if I can rout the pi-hole traffic when I am on my phone.

retroPie or lakka for some gaming fun :slight_smile:

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It would be amazing if Umbrel could run an lightning address(https://lightningaddress.com) server. There are self hosted solutions like https://github.com/hieblmi/go-host-lnaddr but I am not sure how one would run that for example behind a Tor onion address.

But the idea of a public email like address per Umbrel to receive sats would be a massive user experience gain for all Umbrel users I think.


Not so easy to achieve this.
I love LN address and I use it with many services that offers it.
But keep in mind: Umbrel is a node behind Tor. So also your LN Address have to be readable behind a Tor/onion address.
Is not that easy to have darthcoin@lntxbot.com (with a federated server) than your node running umbrel-user@kjhdsfjahfj.onion
Nevertheless you can have your own domain LN address with a federated server or even own server, using this guide
I have it configured like that with my own domain.com address, receiving straight to my Umbrel node, but using a federated server (thereā€™s no problem in using that server)


xmpp server and email server

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OnionShare : https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare
Iā€™m wondering why it has not been requested up until now
other than being a well-tested file sharing app , ability to host your own .onion website makes it essential


Not sure if there are any good ones but a lightning node explorer to view the graph would be cool.
Kind of like what 1ml and amboss provides but local.

And bisq seems like a good thing to have on Umbrel, I believe that service also needs to be running 24/7 to be able to place a trade. And they provide an API to fetch price feeds, maybe it means we can have a decentralized feed like this.

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Fully encrypted email server. Even though we have decentralized money. Our next objective should be decentralized communication.


From my understanding that would require all the providers to adopt email encryption as well, in my opinion xmpp is a simpler solution for that problem.

FreshRSS would be great.


+1 vote for nginx proxy manager. The interface is solid compared to other reverse proxy solutions and it seems like a perfect fit to go with Umbrel where you want as much uptime as possible.

I was thinking about getting a tor relay. Iā€™m not sure what app it would be, maybe this one (Note: I have not used this app (https://github.com/Ilshidur/tor-relay-docker))


I havenā€™t done this yet, but Iā€™m going to have one umbrel for BTC only and another for more home server type stuff

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Bisq once they have a daemon. Looks like itā€™s in progress (https://github.com/orgs/bisq-network/projects/17#card-37836803)

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Would love to have HestiaCP as an Umbrel app. It contains everything you need to self-host websites: Nginx, PHP, MariaDB, Apache, ā€¦ and already dockerized.


Also a firewall manager so I can open some ports to be accessible from the public, not just strictly from Tor.


Honestly, none. Just to have the ones already in umbrel actually working would be enough.
Every single app I tried except the ones related to BTC, have broken functionality which makes the use really annoying.
Nextcloud: no Https, so most of integrations and apps not working. Weather integration stops working. App store works randomly.
Home assistant: Spotify integration not working. Weather integration not working. Samsung integration works randomly.
Torrents app: search doesnā€™t work.
Pi-hole: never up to date.
Tailscale: worked about 10 minutes.
Umbrel: umbrel.local doesnā€™t work. UI update doesnā€™t work.

Please avoid the nonsense answer saying itā€™s apps problems. Tried every single of the outside umbrel and the work like a charm.
It canā€™t be said umbrel is in a beta state yet. Not even close to beta.