Instructions to get an incoming channel from LNBIG with Umbrel

Newb pleb here… it took my Umbrel (vanilla setup, just like the OG post outlines) about two (2) days to get fully opened with LNBIG. The first channel opened in about 12hrs, and the other after about 36hrs. However, once opened, transmitting my first LN transaction from my hot wallet to my Umbrel node was nearly instantaneous, and worked without a flaw!

As I’ve read elsewhere about Lightning channels, anything under 500,000 sats is pretty unusable for most activities (even though as of now, that represents about $250USD), so it may be wise to just use those Playstation 5 savings to play around on Umbrel until Sony gets more chips produced. :wink:

I have the same issue stuck in #9, can’t create an initial channel.
I also tried to open a channel with the address you provided, but it only says
’ Please validate the Bitcoin address is correct.’


Step 8 doesn’t work for me. When I paste in the QR code to my lightning wallet and click send, I get Unable to send lightning payment: insufficient_balance. I don’t see the part about how to get the Sats from the BTC wallet to the lightning wallet. I’f I’m supposed to send the funds from the BTC deposit, I don’t see anything here that clearly says to use that wallet.

Great, So I tried a few more times this afternoon, and have now been informed than I can not open any channels at LNBIG and that I am a Bot. WTF?

this tuturial is update. thanks

Using ThunderHub with LNbig…
I tried this using ThunderHub instead of RTL and for some reason LNbig could not seem to open the channel unless I already had their node added as a peer PRIOR to paying their invoice.

It took me several attempts to figure that out. Hopefully this helps someone else.

I just got my LNbig inbound liquidity channel closed. It was opened few months ago. I went into LNbig website and their inbound liquidity section was not available. Do you guys know what happened with is service?


I can still see their inbound liquidity section- it may be worth sending them a message on nostr: LNBiG: Official LNBiG account in Nostr ;-) I like zaptosh...

I can see the LNBig channel pending trying to open but it never activates… Why doesn’t it get online? The channel status is stuck in “opening”!
Would some one help me? Thanks in advance.